Coming to a Town Near You
Angela Enos is available to visit, teach, and speak at your event. Let’s make your next gathering a memorable one.

Harrisburg Cedarettes
Angela is looking forward to sharing with Harrisburg Cedarettes and their male counterparts, the Tall Cedars of Lebanon. She will share fun and informative details about, Under the Roof, while reminiscing about the days of old, the changes we’ve experienced, and how we can find humor in each day.

Book Club Appearance (Holding Date)
Discussion and Appearance at local book club. Details to follow.

Bradford Public Library Discussion and Signing
Join Angela and three area book clubs for a book discussion, questions and answers, and book signing and sales.

Simpson Library Afternoon with the Ladies
Meet local authors Angela Enos and Beth Binger as they share their books, intriguing information on the writing and publishing process, and how they empower women to be the best version of themselves.

Adult Writing Course - My Time to Write
Two 90-minutes classes, August 19 and 26, 5:00-6:30 p.m. Learn to write that book that you’ve had inside of you for years. From manuscript development to writing techniques, it is your time to write.

Author Appearance and Book Signing
Author appearance, book sales and signing, and great coffee.

Author Appearance and Book Signing
Join Angela and the Cat Lady from 10:00-11;00 for a lively discussion about Under the Roof, refreshments, and a fun game of “Name That Character.” Both will remain at the library until 2:00 p.m. for a meet and greet. Books will be available throughout both events. Cash and credit card accepted. Reservations for the 10-11 discussion will be available on the New Cumberland Library website.

Good Day PA
Tune in to watch Angela Enos present her book, Under the Roof, on ABC’s Good Day PA on March 10 at 10 a.m.

Upper Dauphin Middle School PTO Vendor Fair
Appearnce, book sales, and signings. Join me at the Upper Dauphin MIddle School for some winter fun and intriguing Christmas purchases.

Book Signing at Carmella
Appearance, book reading, question and answer, book sales and signings
Women's Ministry Night - How You See Yourself
Get free from your past and learn how to see God’s perspective of you and your situation.
Women's Ministry Night - Your Inheritance in Christ
Discover your DNA as a child of God and who you truly are in Christ. Take home a copy of your DNA.