Coming to a Town Near You

Angela Enos is available to visit, teach, and speak at your event. Let’s make your next gathering a memorable one.

Harrisburg Cedarettes

Harrisburg Cedarettes

Angela is looking forward to sharing with Harrisburg Cedarettes and their male counterparts, the Tall Cedars of Lebanon. She will share fun and informative details about, Under the Roof, while reminiscing about the days of old, the changes we’ve experienced, and how we can find humor in each day.

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Author Appearance and Book Signing

Author Appearance and Book Signing

Join Angela and the Cat Lady from 10:00-11;00 for a lively discussion about Under the Roof, refreshments, and a fun game of “Name That Character.” Both will remain at the library until 2:00 p.m. for a meet and greet. Books will be available throughout both events. Cash and credit card accepted. Reservations for the 10-11 discussion will be available on the New Cumberland Library website.

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